Abstract: These days the term stress is considered to be one of the major factors leading to various health problems. The diagnosis largely depends on the physician and based on his interpretations and measurements. But it is not possible for the user to get the diagnosis done on a regular basis due to the hectic schedule. This problem can be dealt in an easy way when the human intervention gets replaced by an artificial intelligent system that will ensure a more better and a consistent diagnosis. Our system is proposed based on physiological signals. Parameters like heart rate variability, blood pressure and body temperature provide the information about the user’s state of mind. This system will increase the accuracy level in the diagnosis. The response from the sensors reflects the reaction of individuals and their body to stressful events. Some individuals may react in a different manner to stressful events depending on their body conditions. Based on the proposed stress factors, the user’s stress levels will be assessed on a regular basis and will be notified with respective safety measures. There can be some uncertainties and complexities that exist in the system which should be dealt with while defining stress. For this, the system makes use of fuzzy theory that will help make the stress outputs more optimum and precise.

Keywords: Stress, Heart Rate Variability, Physiological signals, Fuzzy logic.